Cookies policy

To guarantee the best functions and services provided by third parties, the website uses Cookies released by the Owner or third parties.

Cookies released by the OWNER

Cookies released by the Owner surfing this website are “technical” and are used to “pursue the transmission of communication over an electronic communication network, or in the way it is strictly necessary for the provider of a service of the treatment owner company to supply the service as required by the user” (see art. 122, comma1, of the Code). They are not used for further scopes, and are installed with the usual surfing on our pages. Can be divided in surfing cookies or session cookies, that ensure the regular browsing of the website (this permits to buy online and log into reserved areas); operation cookies, which allows the user browsing in function of a number of selected criteria (e.g. language, products selected for the purchasing, etc.) with the scope of improving the provided service.

It is not required the user prior consent, while it is mandatory to present the herein policy pursuant to art. 13 of the Code.

Third party Cookies for statistical or technical purposes

During the browsing, the user might receive on its device also different suppliers’ cookies (i.e. “third party” cookies); that happens because on the visited website there might be elements stored on server different from the one hosting the requested page. The OWNER uses third party cookies for technical purposes, like statistic analisys of the accesses and visitors (i.e. “analytics”) or to allow the use of parts of the code released by third parties, which ensure a better use of the service (authentication, administration pages, etc).

Third party cookies used in this website and the opt out modality (disable mode) are here following listed:

  • Google Analytics: web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Those cookies are used to the lonly purpose of monitoring and improving the site performance. For further info, go to the following link:
  • The user can disable Google Analytics actions by installing on its browser the opt-out function provided by Google. To diasble Google Analytics, go to the following link:

Third party cookies for activities of profiling/ remarketing/ social marketing

During the browsing on our website, the user may receive third party cookies also for other not technical purposes. The website integrates some fucntionalities developed by third parties inside its pages, like icons and preferences expressed in social networks, with the scope of content-sharing. These cookies allows to analyse the browsing preferencies, that are used to show specific banners or for “remarketing” actions. For examples happens that the user might be proposed adverts related to the contents/products, also after leaving this website and surfing others, or while using mobile app or making research on Google, or using the most common social networks.

Third party cookies used for those purposes in this website, their policy and the possibility to manage the consent, the modality to manage the opt-out are following indicated:

Google Ads AdSense remarketing: complete policy and modality to opt-out available at

Facebook: complete policy and modality to opt-out available at

To disable such cookies it is also possible to use specific functions and tool on your Browser, and use the services supplied by the site operated by European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) that constitutes a guide to the behavioural advertising and and online privacy and where you’ll find information on how the behavioural advertising works , information on the correct managing and disabling of cookies and tips to protect your privacy surfing on the web.

Date: 8th May 2020